The last post of the term

As my school year draws to an end I thought I would write a quick post about it. I also don’t think I will be writing much more until August, or maybe even September, as I will be off to sunnier climes before heading back home and doing a mountain of preparation for September (when I take on my new role as Head of MFL), writing my MA assignment and (hopefully) having some time to relax before the new academic year starts.

This year has been one full of experience for me. Taking on the role of Head of Spanish was daunting (only being in my third year of teaching) but I have learnt so much and although I am conscious of the challenges facing me next year I look forward to tackling them with relish.

My development of ICT has, I am glad to say, moved to another level – through this blog, through my website and through my PLN on Twitter. Thanks to you all for such a wonderful, supportive community where I know that I can get help and guidance on so many things.

For my last post of the term, here are my top 5 ideas or resources from Twitter over the last few weeks:

  1. Create a wikispace for a class group to complete oral work, and give individual assessment (thanks @blagona – see his example here )
  2. Use current affairs in resources – I am discussing music with my Spanish GCSE class and have found Beyoncé and Michael Jackson videos of them singing in Spanish. I have created worksheets for them both which you can download from my website in the ´music´section of the page.
  3. Useful information from @joedale on his blog regarding the use of drag and drop in PowerPoint effectively. See Joe’s entry here.
  4. Sharing more and more resources on my two delicious bookmarking sites which get shared with so many other people. Here is my teachers’ site and my pupils’ site.
  5. Joining the wiki on the European Day of Languages. I look forward to doing something for this day in September and will be working on this over the summer. Feel free to contribute to @dominic_mcg’s wiki here.